Working from home or going to the office? These are the pros and cons of both

Nowadays it is quite normal to work from home. But working from the office is still the norm in many companies. Sometimes you may even be given a choice! These are the pros and cons of both options. This way you can make the best choice for you.

Advantage of working from home: you are more flexible

If you do your work from home, you are more flexible. You have more control over how you manage your time. You’re not stuck in a building where you can’t do anything but work when you go to the office. When you work from home, you have the space here and there to do some laundry or get some fresh air.

Advantage of going to the office: you have a structured working environment

At the office your working day is very structured. When you work from home, you have to structure your working day yourself and that is sometimes quite difficult. This structure has already been devised for you at the office. This can serve as a nice incentive to actually get your tasks done.

Advantage of working from home: you can design your workplace yourself

The advantage of working from home is that your workplace is really yours. It is not indirectly from your boss yet. This allows you to design it completely yourself in a way that you like. Now that’s luxury!

Advantage of going to the office: there is a clear separation between work and private life

If you work from the office, your working day starts at a certain time and ends about eight hours later. Your working hours are scheduled. Then you go home and your working day is over. In some professions you may still have to take work home with you. But in general, it is easier to separate your work and private life than when you work from home.

Disadvantage of working from home: it can be very isolating

At the office you are constantly surrounded by colleagues. This is not the case when you work from home. There is a good chance that you will be alone, or possibly enjoy the company of your partner and/or pet. But of course they have nothing to do with your work. As a result, working from home can be quite isolating at times.

Disadvantage of going to the office: traveling

The biggest disadvantage of going to the office is the fact that you actually have to travel there. Standing on a crowded train or being stuck in the city is never fun. In addition, it takes extra time out of your day, which is a shame.

Disadvantage of working from home: communication is a bit more difficult

If you work in an office and you encounter a problem, you can walk over to a colleague to ask for help. This is of course not possible if you work from home. Then you have to communicate online, for example by email. That also works, but generally takes more time, and that is a shame.

Disadvantage of going to the office: distractions

Colleagues can be very pleasant, but they can also distract you. Conflicts sometimes occur in the workplace and that is quite annoying. Or sometimes you have that one colleague sitting next to you who sees their working time as a tea party.





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