Say what? You didn’t know these facts about your cat or dog yet

Anyone with a sweet cat or dog as a pet will probably recognize this. That moment when your four-legged friend suddenly does a very crazy, random act. Yes, sometimes cats and dogs are not quite one hundred percent, although that is just their nature. Animal experts have attempted to better explain the behavior of your cat or dog.

Dogs make their beds

Dogs are indeed just like people sometimes. They also prepare their own bed when they want to sleep. Although they don’t do this in the same way as we do. A dog first scratches at the blankets, sheets or the dog bed on which it sleeps. The dog then turns around a few more times before finally settling down. This final tap may stem from an age-old dog instinct to create a safe, warm place to sleep.

Dogs circle around a spot before defecating

Sometimes when dogs are walking outside, they suddenly circle around their spot. Apparently dogs sometimes do this before they poop. Unfortunately, it is still unclear exactly why they do this. Although, according to some researchers, the dogs are attempting to align with the Earth’s magnetic field. Hmm, okay. Not every scientist is convinced of this reason and we understand that.

…and after pooping, dogs press the ground

When they have pooped, some dogs press the ground for a while. No, they don’t bury their pile. Certainly not! They want to spread their scent and mark territory. They are also quite picky about where they poop. Dogs like to have the best place in town.

By the way, they don’t do their daily hops just to increase their territory. The smell of such a pile apparently also says something to the dogs about the reproductive and health status of the animal in question.

Cats always bury their pee (or poop)

The sneaky cats like to stay under the radar. That’s why cats always bury their pee spot or freshly laid poop. No one needs to see this from them. They prefer to hide their tracks.

Cats are really social

You may sometimes think that your cat is not very social at all, or that your cat hates you. Although they are actually very social animals. When your cat headbutts, he wants to be friends with you. They then mark their social partner (that’s you) with their facial odor.

Cats knead you to relax

If your cat then starts kneading on your lap, you know you’re in the right place. Small kittens do this to their mother to support breastfeeding. Adult cats continue to knead, even though they now do so with their owners. This shows how relaxed they feel. Although it is also possible that they are trying to calm themselves down.

Dogs lick to get food

Back to dogs: why do you think dogs sometimes lick their owners? No, they don’t want to kiss you. Unfortunately. If a dog licks your face, it just really wants to eat. There is a good chance that you are eating something at that moment and your dog wants to take it away. Well, no way!





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