Ka-ching! This is King Charles’ fortune

He is now officially richer than the late Queen Elizabeth.

It is no secret that a reigning monarch has quite a few millions in his bank account. But how much does it actually matter? In any case, King Charles is currently speeding past his mother at breakneck speed.

King too rich

One thing is certain that King Charles is in a good position. Yet he recently reached a new milestone. He is officially richer than his mother, the late Queen Elizabeth. This is reported by The Sunday Times’ 2024 Rich List. He is currently the 258th richest person in Great Britain with a fortune of £610 million – which equates to around €715 million. When Elizabeth died, she owned a paltry 450 million euros.


Charles’s most prized possessions are said to be the Sandringham Estate in England and Balmoral Castle in Scotland. In addition, investments and real estate ensure that the king does not have to bite the bullet. Finally, there is also an impressive art collection on his wall.

However, there is still one important element missing from the calculation of the generous amount that would be in the monarch’s bank account. It is inevitable that Charles also inherited a large sum of money from his mother when she died in 2022. As is obvious, nothing further is known about the size of that amount.


Yet your bank balance does not make you a ‘rich man’ par excellence, as Charles must have undoubtedly found out this year when he was diagnosed with cancer. He has currently resumed some of his duties, so we can cautiously say that the king is on the mend. Yet his medical treatment is reportedly still ongoing in the background.

Hopefully the frost will continue to recover in the near future. Ultimately, your own health is the greatest treasure you can possess!

Source: HLN | Image: NL Image





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