Holiday stress? This is how you prevent that

Sinterklaas has been back for a while and Christmas and New Year’s Eve are just around the corner. That’s always a lot of fun, but it can also cause a lot of stress. These are the most common causes, and here’s what you can do about them.


Receiving presents is always nice, but giving presents is often quite a challenge. Therefore, start well in advance, so that you have plenty of time to think about what you want to give and where you want to buy or order it. Also remember that packages are often delayed around the holidays, so starting on time is a must.


Let’s face it, December and the holidays always cost a lot of money. Buying gifts, preparing the food, getting decorations and sometimes driving miles from one family to another. Maybe you have less to spend, but how do you still make it a big party? It doesn’t have to be as expensive as you think: most websites allow you to set a price limit, so you only see gifts that are within your budget. A homemade gift is also always a good option: look for some nice DIYs on Pinterest and only use things you already have at home. Little money for food? Check out what the specials are, or suggest that everyone brings their own dish. Christmas is about being together, not about who has spent the most!


December is not only an expensive month, but also a busy month. It starts with Christmas Eve, a few weeks later Christmas and finally New Year’s Eve. The holidays can be quite tiring all together, which is why it is so important to set boundaries. Give yourself the opportunity to think about what you really want: where do you want to go, when do you want a quiet day and who do you want to spend the holidays with? Being tired after busy days is normal, but if you are still tired in the new year, that is not the intention. Your time is also valuable, and although you want to make it fun for everyone, you don’t have to suffer for it yourself.





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