Have you ever noticed how much Beatrix and Amalia look alike?

The apple doesn’t fall far from the throne…

It is known that Amalia and Beatrix are two hands on one stomach. But besides their good bond, there is something else that stands out between the two. Lookwise, the princesses look alike.

Old box

Well before we could keep up to date with every detail surrounding the House of Representatives via the internet, the RVD and the National Archives already maintained an extensive collection of snapshots and news about our royal family. A little dive into those archives is always interesting — how about this hilarious photo of the timid prince Wim-Lex, who just lay down for a moment during Queen’s Day 1969? Just as we are big fans of our own photo archives, there is also a lot of fun to be found from the old box of the royals.

Two drops of water

The Crown Princess is now twenty years old, but it still feels like yesterday that we saw the young ‘Amaal’ for the first time. The princess went from a cheerful toddler to a shy schoolgirl and in recent years she has emerged as a crown princess in the making. With recent portraits and photo sessions of the princess, we are increasingly seeing a real modern royal. And what stood out after a tour of the National Archives: the Princess of Orange looks exactly like her grandmother!

Like Grandma…

Image: National Archives

…like granddaughter.

Image: NL Image

And from one horse girl…

Beatrice Amalia
Image: National Archives

…to the next one!

Image: RVD, Martijn Beekman

And although Amalia has exchanged her grandmother’s famous haircut for loose blonde locks…

Image: National Archives

…the resemblance between the two royal young ladies is unmistakable.

NL Image/ Brunopress


Good: Grandma’s famous coupe hairspray may no longer be there, but Amalia certainly does not hide the fact that her grandmother is a great example to her. For example, in her first speech at the Council of State two years ago, she even quoted Bea’s words.

“For a very long time to come, members of the Council of State, I will consider myself your student,” Beatrix said in 1956. And just like her grandmother then, Amalia stated: “Conscious of my responsibility, I will try to to be a good student.” In any case, a granddaughter to be proud of!

Source: Glamial Archive, Blauw Bloed | Image: ©RVD – Gemmy Woud-Binnendijk, NL Image/ Brunopress, National Archives





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