Eline from The Bachelor reveals why things went wrong between her and Paul

During the reunion of The Bachelor, Paul dropped a mega plot twist: he was dating Eline! Unfortunately, their fairytale turned out to be short-lived. But why did things go wrong between the two? Eline spills the tea in a video on TikTok.

No Josephine but Eline after The Bachelor

During the episodes of The Bachelor, Paul and Josephine seemed like the ultimate power couple, but once back in the Netherlands they only saw each other once. Then Josephine threw in the towel. Sad vibes? Not really. Paul immediately sent a DM to Eline. “I came home, Josephine changed her mind, and I thought ‘why not see what could happen to Eline?’ And yes, that’s what happened,” Paul said during the reunion. Paul and Eline even went to Paris together, but something was still missing. Eline explains in a video why things didn’t work between her and Paul.

Lockdown love

Since they weren’t allowed to be spotted, all dating after The Bachelor had to be done indoors. Eline says: “We got along very well. We could talk to each other very well, we could honestly also laugh with each other. But indoors it is different than when you go out on a date.” Yet they both noticed that there was a kind of ‘low energy’ from the start. They quickly fell into patterns of hanging out at home, as if it were a relationship during the corona lockdown. Not really the vibe you want when you’re just starting to date, right?

Feeling stagnated

Although Paul and Eline seemed like a perfect match on paper, that real feeling of love was missing. Eline admits: “In the beginning I noticed that I started to like him more and that stagnated a bit after a month and a half. Then we got into a flow that we both really wanted to keep trying, but it just didn’t really go anywhere.” That is difficult to realize, because you are in a kind of bubble and it is not a normal way of getting to know someone.”

ANWB couple in Paris

Even in Paris, where love should be in the air, it felt more friendly for Paul and Eline. Paul described them as a kind of ‘ANWB couple’. And let’s be honest, if it feels like that after just two months of dating, it’s not really a good sign. Ultimately, they both decided that there was probably nothing more to it and that it wasn’t worth investigating further. Eline concludes: “It was fun while it lasted, but if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work.” Curious about Eline’s explanation video? You can view it below:






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