After baby in March: Valdrina Haziri is heavily pregnant again!

After baby in March: Valdrina Haziri is heavily pregnant again!

For Valdrina Haziri, things are happening in quick succession! The influencer was only able to celebrate the birth of her first child in March of this year. She had a little daughter with her husband Valdet Haziri. But it shouldn’t stay that way for the #CoupleChallenge stars. Now Valdet and Valdrina are unexpectedly announcing that they will soon be parents again!

The reality stars make the news public on Instagram. In fact, Valdrina has been carrying her sweet secret with her for quite a long time – she is already eight months pregnant. So not too much time passed between the birth in March and the conception again. However, the second child was not planned: “As with the first miracle, the news came as a complete surprise and inappropriate, but we are still happy about our family offspring,” explains the future mother of two.

However, Valdrina has not yet revealed the gender of her second child – her fans can be curious. But she admits that the second pregnancy is a little different: “Ah dear ones, it’s crazy that I’ve been pregnant continuously for almost two years. And this pregnancy is completely different,” she explains.

Valdrina and Valdet Haziri with their baby
Valdrina and Valdet Haziri with their baby
Valdrina and Valdet Haziri on vacation
Valdrina and Valdet Haziri on vacation
Valdrina and Valdet Haziri with their baby
Valdrina and Valdet Haziri with their baby





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