Cleaning Secrets Revealed: 4X Cleaner Tips You Need to Know

You can never clean like the real cleaners do, but what do you do differently? And more importantly: what is the secret?

Cleaning secrets

Hotel chambermaids and cleaners, like all professionals, have their cleaning secrets. Fortunately, they don’t just keep it to themselves, but actually want to reveal a number of things. This way you can take them into account when you are a guest somewhere for a night, and you can also keep your own home as clean as a hotel room.

1. Toothbrush

No, toothbrushes are not just for brushing your teeth. You can use toothbrushes for even more, for example while cleaning. You can use this to scrub all the small corners and thin edges, such as the sink, the bathroom or the kitchen. Not a single piece of dust or dirt can withstand this fantastically diverse invention.

2. Vacuum before mopping

Many may already know this, but for those who don’t know, vacuuming before mopping can help a lot. Even though it may not be very dusty, with a mop you can clean everything around the entire room, and you can’t just get rid of it. Save yourself the trouble and vacuum first, otherwise you may have to pick up all the wet sticky hair from the floor. And that costs you extra time during cleaning.

3. Double vacuuming

We understand that vacuuming may not be your favorite chore, but sometimes it is really necessary. You may know that you should ‘vacuum yourself out of the room’, and that is true, but this approach is more effective: first vacuum the areas that are most frequently walked on and where the most dirt is lying around, and then start cleaning yourself. vacuum the room. This way you get most of the dirt out of the room and you can enjoy your clean floor again.

4. Withdraw

Then perhaps the most important tip: let your cleaning products soak in while cleaning. Spray all the tiles, put degreaser on the baking sheet and pour cleaning solution into the toilet, and wait a few minutes for the products to do their work. Bonus points if you do this all at once, so that you can immediately start brushing the first part again after the round. You can also dust other things in advance. When the cleaning agent is given time to work properly, you will notice that you hardly have to scrub to get the surface properly clean. Make sure that you do not mix cleaning products and certainly do not let them take effect, as this can produce gases that are harmful to your health.





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