According to “Forsthaus Rampensau”: Flocke and Elsa were a couple!

According to “Forsthaus Rampensau”: Flocke and Elsa were a couple!

That was unexpected! Kevin Platzer alias Flocke won with his teammate Diogo Sangre (29) at Forsthaus Rampensau and took home the 25,000 euros in prize money. The reality star apparently had other things in mind than winning: after flirting with Jada Karabas (19), he shared the bed with Elsa Latifaj. After the show there was even more going on between the two – Flake and Elsa were a couple!

In the current episode of the “Radio Island” podcast, the Berliner announces the surprising news: “Yes, I was there Elsa together. I think about three or four months.” This news seems so absurd that the podcast hosts have repeatedly reassured themselves whether it is actually true. The B:REAL – Real Celebrities, Real Life Celebrity continues: “Yes, She was always with me in Berlin and I with her in Vienna. And she even looked at an apartment here in Berlin. But somehow things turned out differently.”

Flocke can’t yet reveal why the relationship broke up: “We’ll just wait and see. Maybe there’ll be something else with ‘B:Real’.” After the reality TV show’s broadcast break, fans should soon find out more. While Flocke’s story will probably continue to be told on “B:Real”, other of his show colleagues will soon no longer be seen in the format.

Flocke and Diogo, “Forsthaus Rampensau Germany” winners 2023
Flocke and Diogo, “Forsthaus Rampensau Germany” winners 2023
Flocke and Elsa Latifaj at "Forsthaus Rampensau Germany"
Flocke and Elsa Latifaj at “Forsthaus Rampensau Germany”
Kevin Platzer aka Flocke
Kevin Platzer aka Flocke





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