These zodiac signs are always and everywhere early

Are you always present at least ten minutes in advance at the hairdresser, your nail appointment or a dinner with your family? Then you can call yourself a real punctual bird (another animal is also allowed). There is also a good chance that you have one of these zodiac signs, because they have a number of character traits that ensure that they are always on time.

Also read: Red flag alert: these are the most toxic traits of the zodiac signs

These zodiac signs are always early

You have people who make it a habit to be late everywhere, always. Fortunately, there are also plenty who can be somewhere on time. And then of course you have the people who take ‘I want to be there early’ in a very extreme way. These zodiac signs like to be (too) well prepared and therefore always arrive early. Are you also among them?


Aries, you are a zodiac sign that just likes to be on time. Punctuality is important to you. With both yourself and others. Your nature is organized and controlled and well, being early is part of that. You want to show others that you respect and value their time. You see being early somewhere as a sign of respect and you like to do it. Be especially proud of this character trait!


Virgo, you are a perfectionist and it will hurt you terribly if you are not there on time. You are disciplined to get to your appointment early and that is actually a very good sign. If you have an appointment at 3 p.m., make sure that the end of your morning and beginning of the afternoon is dedicated to this appointment. Preparation is key, but arriving too early is not always the intention. Try not to become too impatient or frustrated when someone else arrives a little later (i.e. at the agreed time) than you…


Capricorn, just like Virgo, you also have a perfectionist side, which just likes to be on time (or rather early). You like to be on the safe side and you simply don’t think it’s necessary to have time stress over nothing. You have a very reliable character, so people actually know that they can count on you when they make an appointment. Try not to overthink this and also think about yourself. Do people also arrive on time for you? It’s okay to loosen the reins.





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