Self-care: 5 tips to take good care of yourself

It’s cliché but true; If you take good care of yourself, you can be there (even) better for others. Are you feeling good about yourself? Or could you use extra energy, warmth, peace and space? Make yourself a priority by taking good care of yourself. Enjoy more self-care and experience immediate results. For example, because you discover how nice it feels to relax and you feel better about yourself. We like to share tips for taking good care of yourself, because self-care is more important than ever.

1. A healthy attitude

Take a look in the mirror. What do you see? What attitude do you automatically adopt and what do you notice? How do your shoulders hang and how are your feet on the ground? These are all interesting questions you can ask yourself to find out which attitude you adopt. But the more important question is which attitude suits you and what you want to radiate. You can work on this image by, for example, optimizing your posture: shoulders down, chest forward, both legs relaxed on the ground and chin up.

It can also be nice to have an expert help you think about how you can improve your posture. Perhaps a few exercises have already helped you. We are suddenly working from home en masse and taking on these responsibilities, a different workplace and a new way of working requires energy in a different way. You may be advised to purchase a stand-up chair that will help your body adopt the correct (sitting) position. Or you will be given a tip to undergo a relaxation massage or do breathing exercises. Relearning a healthy posture takes a lot of time, so give yourself space to work on this process. And using (temporary) aids can speed up this process so that you can recover.

2. A moment of relaxation and rest

What makes you experience relaxation and recharge? By regularly planning me-time, you can discharge. For example, enjoy a cup of tea and a good book. Take a walk through nature, soak in a warm bath or put on a face mask. Listen to your favorite music or discover an intensive workout to clear your head.

3. Nothing at all for a while

Who says we always have to be ‘ON’? It is precisely by doing nothing that you can relax. You feel the obligations sliding off your shoulders and let go of what no longer needs to be with you. Nothing is necessary, nothing is allowed!

4. Grow in the direction that is right for you

Self-care literally means taking care of yourself. That is why it is good to regularly reflect on your position. What dreams and ambitions do you have? And what would you like to achieve? Which direction is right for you? By thinking about your place, you can discover what it takes to grow as a person. This is how you move forward and make your dreams come true.

5. Short and sweet

You can come up with big, impactful ways to practice self-care. But did you know that you can make a difference with the same ease and do something small so that you also take care of yourself? Every step counts! Consider taking a walk so that you get some exercise and get some fresh air. You can opt for a healthy snack instead of a filling snack or go to bed earlier so that you can sleep longer and wake up rested. Make self-care accessible and realistic, creating a moment every day to recharge and relax.

Give your health a boost

Every day you face new challenges, choices and opportunities to do what is right for you. The busier you are, the more you need self-care. That’s why a full agenda is never an excuse not to take care of yourself; That is precisely when it is extra valuable. Take care of yourself and get further than where you are now. Enjoy, relax and boost your health by applying these self-care tips today. Turn these good intentions into healthy habits!





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