“Forsthaus Rampensau” love? Diogo and Gina-Lisa have sex

“Forsthaus Rampensau” love?  Diogo and Gina-Lisa have sex

There’s a lot of crackling going on here. Actually, Forsthaus Rampensau is about fighting your way through games and getting the prize money. But some candidates turn the format into a real dating show. Gina-Lisa Lohfink (37) and Diogo Sangre (29) in particular are getting closer and closer and even get a date sponsored. Now the spark has finally ignited – because Gina and Diogo have sex in the hut!

In a new episode of “Forsthaus Rampensau” Gina and Diogo spend the night together in a bunk, scantily dressed, and under the cover of darkness things really get down to business – while their fellow campaigners lie around them in the land of dreams. And because the two of them are too busy, they don’t notice that their bedmates Flake and Gina’s teammate Elsa Latifaj are wide awake. In order not to have to see everything, the two flee. “I dropped the bomb,” says happily Diogo the next day.

On the date that the show is for Gina and Diogo organized, there was already a huge crackling noise. The other participants treated the two of them to the date and while the romantic picnic was still harmless, it quickly became more intimate on the way back. After intensive conversations about shared interests and experiences, a passionate kiss ensues.

Gina-Lisa Lohfink and Diogo Sangre at "Forsthaus Rampensau Germany"
Gina-Lisa Lohfink and Diogo Sangre at “Forsthaus Rampensau Germany”
Diogo Sangre, reality star
Diogo Sangre, reality star
Gina-Lisa Lohfink, TV star
Gina-Lisa Lohfink, TV star





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