Horoscope review: this was the year of Virgo

What did the stars have in store this year?

The new year is just around the corner and so in the last Elegance of the year you will find the One and Only Great Annual Horoscope. But first we will traditionally look back at the annual horoscope of 2022, so that you can see whether it has come true. Below you can read what 2023 had in store for Virgo (August 24 to September 22).

This was the year of the Virgin

Two planets will bring out the best in you this year: Uranus and from May 17, Jupiter, both in the sign of Taurus. There they provide you with enthusiasm and good vibrations. All kinds of fun, special things can happen, as if there was an angel sitting on your shoulder. Uranus does demand something from your ability to improvise, because predictability is a thing of the past for the time being. That can be difficult for you, because as a Virgo you swear by peace, cleanliness and regularity. But you will see that there is a lot in return. New friendships, contacts that inspire you to get more out of yourself and lots of things to learn, which will help you grow enormously.

Try to take at least one big trip after May 17. Wander around the globe by covered wagon or train. That gives an extra dimension to this wonderful year. Perhaps it will even make you decide that your future lies elsewhere than in the country where you now live… Change is also a theme. And not the kind that you calmly think out in advance and include in a five-year plan, but the kind of change that you did not see coming and that completely turns your life upside down. The best advice? Go with the flow and be surprised.

Text: Hanny Roskamp | Illustrations: Jiating Liu via Inkling Illustrations





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