“Temptation Island VIP” Emma doesn’t regret having sex with Umut!

“Temptation Island VIP” Emma doesn’t regret having sex with Umut!

Emma Fernlund would do that again! At Temptation Island VIP, the seductress flirted with Umut Tekin (26) from day one. Although the curly-haired man was still with his girlfriend Jana-Maria Herz (31) at the time, he kissed the blonde on a “temptation date” and then even went one step further: sex took place in the bathroom. Glamial asked the influencer how she felt about cheating: Emma regrets having sex Umut not!

“Since this was my job and the content of the format is to see whether those who have been forgiven can remain faithful, I don’t regret it,” admits the 22-year-old in the Glamial interview and adds: “I don’t care about Jana during sex thought, there Umut told me beforehand that he would end it.” There Emma Umut wanted to get to know each other further after the show and it felt right at that moment, it was the right decision to sleep with the married man.

As opposed to Emma regretted Umut the fraud deeply. “As Emma and I got closer, I didn’t wear it Jana Maria thought, which wasn’t right of me,” the trained nurse admitted in the Glamial interview. “With Emma Sleeping wasn’t right. “I should have waited for the final campfire,” he knows from today’s perspective. He would like to undo the cheating: “I regret that I cheated.”

Emma Fernlund with her dog
Emma Fernlund with her dog
Emma Fernlund, influencer
Emma Fernlund, influencer
Umut Tekin, reality star
Umut Tekin, reality star





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