We know the ‘crompouce’: but we want more croissant combinations!

From the crompouce to a frikan pouce: all combinations are made. Although one combination is more popular than the other. We know enough tompouce combinations now, don’t you think? We therefore share a number of delicious croissant combinations. And we promise you: you’ll want to try this one!

What combinations does the tompouce have?

It all started with the crompouce: a delicious croissant filled with pastry cream, covered with a layer of pink chocolate. This striking combination of a croissant and tompouce did not go unnoticed. Within a short time it became a real trend. Although opinions were divided, this did not stop people from getting creative with even more tompouce combinations:

The tompouce pancake

It is actually no surprise that pancakes are included in this trend. From icing sugar to frikandel: almost everything is used as a pancake topping. But the question is whether every combination is equally tasty…

The sweet cat

They have also been creative in Friesland. By combining a tompouce with sugar bread, the sûkerpoes is created. Cover one slice of sugar loaf with pastry cream, place another slice on top and dip it in melted pink chocolate. Enjoy!

The tomsoes and oil pouce

These variations on the tompouce have been around for some time. But that doesn’t make the tompoes (tompouce and choux) and oliepouce (tompouce and oliebol) any less tasty.


It probably won’t surprise you, but the donut also suffered. In combination with a tompouce it forms the so-called donouce.

Frikan pouce and tompsush

Although disagreements had already arisen about the above combinations, some thought it could be taken one step further. This is how the frikan-pouce and tompsush were also introduced to the world. Frikandel and sushi in combination with tompouce does not have many fans.

Combinations with a croissant

It’s time we draw more attention to the croissant. A croissant is a delicious sandwich that still has too few original combinations.

Croissant with salmon

Are you a fish lover, how about a croissant with salmon? Top your croissant with a few slices of smoked salmon and add some cream cheese if desired. It’s guaranteed to be delicious!

Croissant with fruits

Although it may not be the combination you expect with a croissant, it is worth a try. The sweet puff pastry in combination with the sweet fruit provides a real taste sensation.

Pizza croissants

Don’t pizza croissants just sound delicious? Put a little tomato sauce on the croissant dough, top it with salami slices and sprinkle some grated cheese on top. Then you roll up the croissants and brush them with a beaten egg, after which you sprinkle some grated cheese and Italian herbs on top. Now bake them in the oven and enjoy!

Tip: there is also an easier way to make pizza croissants yourself. Get ready-made croissants from the store, top them with salami and grated cheese and place them in the sandwich maker. It tastes about the same and is ready much faster.

Croissant with ice cream

The sweet taste of a croissant together with ice cream makes a delicious combination. Cut open the croissant and top it with your favorite ice cream. Sprinkle a little chocolate sauce over it and enjoy! Very easy and very tasty.

Croissant with fried snacks

Then we come to the last combination in this list: a croissant with a fried snack. We also put snacks from the chip shop on all other sandwiches, so why not on a croissant? If you like a frikandel or croquette roll, then you should also try a frikandel or croquette croissant.





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