Healthy choice: do you go for Skyr, yogurt or cottage cheese?

What is really the healthiest option?

Of course, you can start the day well with a healthy breakfast! With a bowl of yogurt – with your favorite fruit – you are certainly in the right place. Or well…is it better to choose cottage cheese? Or how about the Icelandic dairy product Skyr? The choice is huge, but what is actually the healthiest?


Skyr is also becoming increasingly popular in our country. It is an Icelandic dairy product that many people believe has several health benefits. But is it really healthier than cottage cheese or yogurt? We already know that yogurt generally contains quite a lot of sugar. Do you spoon down zero percent fat yogurt with a fruit flavor every morning? Then we have bad news for you. Such ‘low-fat’ yoghurt often contains a large amount of sugar. With cottage cheese, this is usually a lot less if you choose the semi-skimmed or low-fat variant.

Other than yogurt

But what about Skyr? The dairy product can be found in the supermarket next to cottage cheese and yoghurt, but it is actually not officially yoghurt at all. It contains three times more milk than normal yoghurt. Skyr is made from skimmed milk from which the cream has been removed. This milk is then heated, after which live bacterial cultures are added. Once this substance has thickened, it is strained to remove acidic ingredients. In terms of texture, it is slightly more similar to creamy yogurt such as Greek yogurt. That is why it is more like cottage cheese than yogurt. That is also a bit thicker and creamier.

Health benefits

Does this also make it healthier? Skyr is generally low in calories, fat and carbohydrates. On the other hand, it does contain many nutrients, such as proteins, vitamins and minerals. The protein percentage is therefore high and the fat percentage is low. Because of this you could say that Skyr is a healthier option than cottage cheese or yogurt. For example, research has shown that many proteins in dairy products can regulate blood sugar levels, are good for your bones and can help maintain muscle mass during weight loss.

And, Skyr also makes you feel full, which reduces your appetite. Do you like eating yogurt and want to live a healthier life? Then you can replace the yogurt with Skyr if necessary. But do you regularly eat low-fat cottage cheese? Then you don’t necessarily have to go for Skyr. Low-fat cottage cheese and Skyr are very comparable. Although many people often choose Skyr, because it has a slightly sweeter taste. All in all, Skyr is a healthy option!

Source:, Libelle | Image: iStock





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