Fans agree: This jungle camper is already a favorite!

Fans agree: This jungle camper is already a favorite!

Who are the fans looking forward to the most? Slowly but surely the wait is over: the new jungle camp season starts on January 19th. Then twelve stars and starlets get on the plane to Australia to face all sorts of animals and tricky tests. The candidates for next year have been announced since Friday. You voted: This camper is your favorite!

From a current Glamial survey [Stand: 29. Dezember 2024, 15:45 Uhr] A clear audience favorite emerges: out of a total of 5,606 readers, 1,820 (32.5 percent) are most looking forward to the influencer Twenty4tim (23). He is followed by GZSZ star Felix von Jascheroff (41) with 1,101 votes (19.6 percent). Lucy Diakovska (47) is also apparently popular. 524 voters, or 9.3 percent, voted for the pop singer – closely followed by Are You The One – Reality Stars in Love stars Fabio Knez and Mike Heiter (31) with 513 (9.2 percent) and 491 (8th respectively). .8 percent) audience votes.

David Odonkor (39) comes in sixth place with 291 votes (5.2 percent). Things aren’t looking quite so good for the rest of the campers so far: former Prominent Separate participant Kim Virginia (28) only received 4.8 percent of the votes (269 votes). Former Bachelor candidate Leyla Lahouar, on the other hand, received just 180 votes (3.2 percent). Designer Sarah Kern (55), actor Heinz Hoenig (72) and GNTM girls Anya Elsner and Cora Schumacher (47) received the fewest votes – they brought up the rear of the voting with around seven percent.

Twenty4tim in December 2023
Twenty4tim in December 2023
Heinz Hoenig, jungle camp 2024
Heinz Hoenig, jungle camp 2024
Sarah Kern, jungle camp 2024
Sarah Kern, jungle camp 2024





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