Oh! Dennis Schouten has been admitted to a clinic

A few months ago, presenter Dennis Schouten said in the YouTube program Roddelpraat that he would rather not live anymore. According to his co-presenter Jan Roos, Dennis has now been admitted to a clinic in southern Germany. He tells this in the gossip program. Bardo Ellens therefore temporarily replaces Dennis.

Also read: RoddelPraat host Dennis Schouten (28) openly talks about euthanasia wish: “a few more years to come”

Dennis Schouten admitted to clinic

Together with Jan Roos, Dennis presents the YouTube program Roddelpraat, but Dennis is not present in the latest episode. Jan Roos opens the episode with: “Dennis is not there, because he is in a sanatorium for two weeks,” Jan says. “The sanatorium is on a mountain in the south of Germany. You will be admitted there and then you will get some rest.” He then says: “Dennis couldn’t handle it all anymore. Not surprising of course with that terrible book of his. That we had to go through that bullshit. (…) So now he is in a sanatorium.”

Not wanting to live anymore

In an earlier episode of Gossip Talk this year, Dennis shared the intense news that he no longer wanted to live and had been struggling with this for years. As we already mentioned, he has published a biography about this: ‘Damaged On the Road to Death’. You can see the video in which he shares this message below.

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