National Offline Day: you can do these things

May 10 is National Offline Day. We can no longer live without the internet and that is why it is so important that we go a day without it. Read here what you can do.

Why National Offline Day?

The world won’t end if you’re not online for a day. The initiative of the national day is that you can relax more and connect with other people, without other stimuli from social media. Try to get out of your comfort zone and spend the day without digital stimuli. We look at our phones an average of 53 times a day, and the number of smartphone hours per month continues to increase every year. It is therefore important that we take a short break of 24 hours one day a year. Do you dare?

The advantages

Not being online for a day can have many benefits, these are a few examples:

  • Live in the moment: you experience many beautiful things when you are not on your phone. You automatically look around you more, have better conversations and make better memories. That is what offline life entails.
  • Have more time: Keeping up with your digital life takes more time than you think. Replying to emails and messages, posting photos and making video calls takes a lot of time and energy, and if you don’t do that for a day you will notice that you have much more time left.
  • Fewer stimuli: If you are offline you can receive a lot fewer stimuli. Receiving a lot of stimuli in a short period of time requires a lot of energy, because those stimuli have to be processed in your head. With fewer of those stimuli, you have more peace of mind.

What can you do?

There are countless things you can do without the internet and offline, here are some examples:

  • Finishing the to do list: If you’re not online, you can do a lot more than you think. For example, work through your to-do list, which is probably full of chores that you wanted to do months ago.
  • Spending time with friends and family: You have a lot more time to live in the moment, so spend that time with the people you enjoy being with. This way you strengthen the bond and create beautiful memories together. For example, go to a terrace or visit.
  • Exercise more: You have more time to clear your head, and what better way to do that than by exercising? For example, go for a bike ride, walk or run. You can also use your gym membership again, or take the dog for a long walk.





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