Reader question: what was on the menu during the state visit?

The question keeps coming in and luckily I now have the answer.

As a starter, a cocktail of crab, asparagus mousse and vinaigrette with lobster was served during the state banquet for the Spanish royal couple. The guests also received a tomato consommé (defatted broth) with basil gnocchi and oxtail.

For the next round, lamb fillet with a layer of herbs was prepared in the kitchen. For the carbohydrates there was fried polenta (an Italian dish made from ground grain) and the vitamins were hidden in the roasted eggplant and green vegetables.

The question is whether Máxima took dessert. She often turns down sweets. If she did choose it, she was served a caramel tartelette with a spicy cream and chocolate sauce.

Reader question 2: what if you have an allergy or other dietary restriction?
If you are allergic to a certain ingredient, or do not eat or like something, you do not have to fear the state banquet. The invitation states that you may pass on such information.

In fact, when I suffered from high blood sugar during a dinner at the palace (I have type 1 diabetes) and a footman heard about it, the chef came up with a sugar-free dessert a few minutes later.





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