This is how you know if you’ve found your ride or die girlfriend

Good friendships are special. A really good friend is not easy to find and so we should cherish these friendships. But how do you really know for sure if you’ve found a ride or die bestie? These are the signals.

They have seen you through the highs and lows of your life

Life has different peaks and valleys. And a real ride or die friend has experienced you in both situations. They have seen you crying about a painful break-up but also seeing you overjoyed because you got a new job, for example. They were there for you during all these important moments. That’s what a friendship is all about!

They really pay attention

When you’re friends, you tell each other a lot. You tell each other about what you do in everyday life, but also all the tea about your dating life and your family. A real ride or die actually pays attention during these types of conversations. They really listen and genuinely find what you say fun and interesting. They also remember what you tell them. For example, they always know exactly what you want for your birthday, because you said it once. And they remember that.

You can pretty much read each other’s minds

Sometimes just a look is enough to know what your bestie is thinking. In your friendship, no words are needed to know what is going on. You sense each other’s emotions perfectly. It’s almost like your brains are connected.

They respect your opinions and choices

Within a friendship there will always be things where your opinions do not match. This is very normal. What really makes a friendship good is when you respect these differences. The same applies to choices you make. Think of small decisions but also the big ones. Whatever your bestie thinks, a ride or die friend will always have your back.

Your friendship is their priority

A good friendship should be mutual. When you find a real ride or die, you both put energy into the friendship. The friendship is just as important to them as it is to you and that is what keeps the friendship alive. And if one person is less present, this is always clearly communicated.

They always tell the truth

Lying to your bestie? You just don’t do that. You can always be honest with each other. Because you know that you trust each other. So you never feel the need to lie, and neither does your bestie.





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