Would you like to participate in discussions with the afkos? You need to know these abbreviations

‘Yesterday I was sitting on the terrace with a biba and spebi and it was completely HDP.’ Nowadays, abbreviations are flying around your head when you are chatting with students. Are your children, friends or fellow students really fans of the afkos, but you no longer follow the conversation? Read here the discounts you need to know to have a pleasant conversation.

Let’s start with the first sentence? Do you understand what is meant by:

Yesterday I sat comfortably on the terrace with a nice biba and spebi and it was HDP

Yesterday I sat with the girls (mdm) on the terrace with a delicious bitterbal (biba) and a special beer (spebi) and it was delicious de peerlie (HDP).

The afko HDP, or Heerlie de peerlie, is used when something is delicious or wonderful.

This is how you respond to the following questions next time:

  • How does the pasta with itakru (Italian herbs) taste? – HDP!
  • It’s almost vacation! – HDP!
  • I had such a good workout last night. – HDP!

The lawa was so HDP yesterday. The plan was a kowa, but it was so gemo!

Have you already figured out the meaning of these afkos? Are you going to make a lawa with the dog later?

The long walk yesterday was so wonderful. The plan was a short walk, but it was so nice mozzarellie!

Of course, if something is pleasant, we no longer just say the word ‘cozy’. The word cozy has been made cozy and has become: cozy mozzarellie.

This is how you respond to the following questions next time:

  • How was it yesterday with your tourist (friend from the past)? – Gezellie mozzarellie!
  • Shall we salu (have a nice lunch together) tomorrow? – Gezellie mozzarellie!

It was really hilarious at Anne-Fleur’s exit. By the way, Floris, sumogegigo! Are you very crazy today?

It was really hilarious at Anne-Fleur’s graduation party. By the way, Floris, we had a great drink yesterday, guy! Are you very broke, insecure and vulnerable today?

Hilarious has become hilarious and we think this afko is hilarious.

This is how you respond to the following questions next time:

  • Sometimes Amber really thinks she is a fluflu (influencer). – Yeah, lol.
  • Eef and Nick met each other yesterday at Zaar (Shop chain Zara) – Yes, such a coincidence. Really hilarious!
  • Ska (darling), how did you find that situ (situation) yesterday at the Vrijmibo (Friday afternoon drinks)? – Yes, strange, but also really hilarious.

Here is a list of all discounts:

Mdm = with the girls

Biba = bitterbal

Spebi = special beer

HDP = Heerlie de Peerlie

Itakru = Italian herbs

Lawa = long walk

Kowa = short walk

Gemo = companion mozzarella

VVV’tje = friend from the past, someone from back home with whom you are still friends

Gesalu = having a nice lunch together

Hila = hilarious

Afstubo = graduation drinks

Sumogegigo = great drink yesterday guy

Bokkie = broke, insecure and vulnerable

Fluflu = influencer

Zaar = the Zara store chain

Ska = honey

Situ = situation

Vrijmibo = Friday afternoon drinks

Kladiladi = Close that laptop

Kladiladi and have a gemo conversation with ska or a tourist office with all the lessons learned.

Read more: Starting a new study? This is how you become the ultimate student





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