5 reasons why infrared heat can help with muscle recovery

When you have pain in your stomach or back, you often put something warm on it. A hot water bottle, for example, or a bag of cherry stones. Even heat patches are often used for pain complaints, especially when it is located in the muscles. These five reasons indicate why it is very good to apply heat, for example infrared, to recover muscles.

1 Improves oxygen supply

A heat source can cause blood vessels to dilate slightly, allowing nutrients, especially oxygen, to be easily transported to the muscles and subsequently waste products to be removed more quickly. Heat via a hot water bottle, a warm shower or heat plaster is therefore definitely recommended. Infrared light can also help promote blood circulation.


2 Infrared heat penetrates deep into the muscles

It is best to use a heat source whose warm radiation penetrates deep into the muscles. The reason why we love the sun so much is that certain rays of the sun reach very deep into our tissues, making you feel nice and warm and allowing your muscles to relax. This is mainly due to the infrared light contained in the sun’s rays. Infrared provides this pleasant warmth. There are special lamps, infrared panels for heating or in the shower and infrared saunas that have this effect. Or opt for a wonderful infrared sauna blanket in which you can wrap yourself completely. Such a blanket works like an infrared sauna and helps your body to relax completely, while you get a good sweat.

3 Relief from muscle pain and stiffness

A warm bath, hot shower or swimming in a warm pool all have in common that they completely relax you. The warmth of infrared light can also help reduce muscle pain and stiffness. Because the infrared light can penetrate so deeply into the tissues, muscles are heated. This can help release tension and increase flexibility. And that in turn promotes recovery after strenuous activities. Keeping a painful area warm is therefore very natural, because heat helps to reduce cramping in the muscles. In addition, it can even help reduce inflammation in muscle injuries.

4 Can speed up the healing process

There are studies suggesting that infrared heat could stimulate the production of cellular energy (ATP). ATP could help to speed up the healing process of damaged muscle tissue. This way, you could recover faster after intensive training with the heat of infrared. A lot of research is still being done into this, but it is of course a bonus that you will recover faster thanks to thirty minutes under the infrared blanket.

5 Improvement of general well-being

Infrared therapy is known for its relaxing effects on the entire body – including mentally. Because the body can completely relax, your head also relaxes. Therefore, this can be very good for your mental health. When you are completely relaxed, the body can resist viruses and bacteria much better. This allows your immune system to do its job better. For example, the use of infrared light or infrared heat can contribute to your overall feeling of well-being.

Sauna blanket with infrared

There are several top athletes who use a sauna blanket to remove waste products from their body more easily, so that the muscles recover better and faster. A sauna blanket with infrared heat works directly on your body. You no longer have to go to an infrared sauna in a wellness center, because you can simply use the blanket at home. This way you create that spa feeling in your home every time and that is pure enjoyment.

Use infrared

Did you know that half an hour of exposure to infrared heat is enough to improve muscle recovery or your overall well-being? It is recommended not to expose yourself to this heat for longer than that. Under an infrared sauna blanket, this is also long enough to benefit from all the benefits of the heat. Always follow the instructions of the infrared source you use. This way you get the most out of it for a good feeling, muscle recovery and well-being.

Consult a doctor in case of injuries

If you have a (sports) injury and want to use infrared therapy, it is a good idea to discuss this with a doctor or physiotherapist. In any case, it is a good idea to consult a doctor if you have long-term muscle and joint complaints. This way you are assured of the best care and you can get back to work quickly. If you experience discomfort after using infrared heat, always consult your doctor for advice.

Image: Adobe Stock





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