Has Eva Benetatou’s new Dennis been flirting with strangers for weeks?

Has Eva Benetatou's new Dennis been flirting with strangers for weeks?

Are dark clouds already gathering in the love sky? On Friday, Evanthia Benetatou (31) made her new relationship public: The former Bachelor candidate fell in love with the Düsseldorf entrepreneur Dennis Kessmeyer. The two met at an opening in October. Supposedly should Dennis but were flirting with another woman until a few weeks ago – namely the former 5 Senses for Love candidate Angie Teubner!

Reported to Glamial Angie now that Dennis I’ve been contacting her on social media for some time now and complimenting her. “Three weeks ago he wrote to me that he wanted to see me and that he thought we should meet up – and in October the two of them clicked?!”, the reality star shares her experiences with the businessman and is also surprised: ” It’s funny that he wrote to me constantly while they were already together […].”

However, the flirtation only happened online – a date has not yet taken place. “The meeting never happened because I had no interest in it,” explains the former “Dating Naked” participant. So far expressed Dennis not yet publicly about the alleged online flirtation.

Angie Teubner, 2021
Angie Teubner, 2021
Dennis Kessmeyer, entrepreneur
Dennis Kessmeyer, entrepreneur
Dennis Kessmeyer, entrepreneur
Dennis Kessmeyer, entrepreneur





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