⁠⁠This is what it really means when your knees buckle

Your knee cracks all the time. So you lie on the couch and you pull your knees up. Snap! But how exactly does this happen? We have sorted this out for you. It might be a little worse than you might think…

This is what it means when your knees buckle

A study from Baylor College found that 75 percent of subjects had osteoarthritis (weight-wearing). It was also found that people who occasionally have creaking knees are twice as likely to develop painful arthritis (weight loss) within a year. This doesn’t sound all that pleasant.


Your knees breaking can have several causes. It doesn’t even always have to be serious. If you don’t experience any pain or stiffness, there is probably nothing to worry about. If this is the case, it may be wise to contact your doctor or physiotherapist. We list a number of possible causes for you:

1. Kneecaps

It could possibly be due to your kneecaps, because they lie in a kind of groove in your upper leg. There is cartilage both under your kneecaps and in that groove, so that you can move smoothly. As soon as both layers were and remained even, no sound would probably be created. But unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. Various factors cause stress on your kneecaps throughout your life, causing the structure to adapt. For example, your cartilage may develop a ribbed structure and this is completely normal. However, it can put more pressure on your kneecaps and you may hear a cracking or cracking sound while moving.

2. Hypermobility

Are you hypermobile? In this case, your ligaments and tendons are too flexible and therefore your joints do not receive sufficient support while moving. Hypermobility does not always have to cause complaints, but if you experience problems, it is wise to contact your doctor. They can refer you to a specialist.

3. Osteoarthritis and arthritis

The fact that you have creaking or creaking knees can sometimes also indicate arthrosis. This is also called joint wear. When we talk about arthritis we are talking about joint inflammation.

4. Less joint fluid

Over time, the joint fluid can decrease and this can cause a lot of noise. The fluid provides lubrication to your joints. Due to poor blood circulation, the fluid can become more watery and this can cause a lot of noise.


Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to reduce the risk of inflammation. It is smart to exercise regularly, so think of squats and lunges. A good warm-up is also very important. Be sure to exercise, because prevention is better than cure!





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