Women overwhelmingly agree: men should avoid this question

We women think that men can sometimes be rather clumsy in asking questions. They often think less, which means that sometimes something comes out that is (hopefully) meant differently. On the social media platform ‘Reddit’ women have massively agreed on the one question that men should better avoid. Which question do you think men should keep to themselves?

Women overwhelmingly agree with each other

Many women shared their experiences on the platform Reddit and from this we could conclude that it is not uncommon for women to be asked some rather strange questions. From this it became more than clear which questions women would rather not receive from a man. The first question that came up was about a woman’s monthly period. One man responded and said: “My friends and I decided that if a girl in our class was angry or upset, she was ‘on her period’. But growing up as the only boy in a household full of girls led by my no-nonsense mother in the 70s taught me that this was no joke.” Boys, sometimes it is better to wisely and thoughtfully say nothing.

Men should avoid this question

Now for the real question that men should avoid: “Are you pregnant?” This can be a very sensitive subject for a woman. Firstly, it can be insulting to a woman when you speculate that she is pregnant. Secondly, it can be a touchy subject because not all women can get pregnant. One user wrote, “My mother taught us that no woman is pregnant until she tells you she is.” Another male user who worked at Disney World and was responsible for not letting pregnant women go on the roller coasters wrote, “Every time I saw a guest who I thought might be pregnant, I would start asking everyone, ‘Are you pregnant?’ Men, older women, teenage boys, everyone. That way, when I got to the woman who I thought might be pregnant, she wouldn’t have to feel weird.” Thankfully, it appears from the comments that there are still plenty of men who think carefully about this sensitive question. Better safe than sorry!





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