Why are plastic bottles unhealthy and what are the alternatives?

The time of plastic drinking bottles is over: they are very unhealthy and bad for the environment. But why exactly?

Plastic bottles

You probably know by now that using plastic bottles has negative consequences for your health and the climate, but they remain very popular. In the Netherlands, approximately one billion of these types of bottles with a capacity of less than one liter are sold every year. According to the NOS, no less than 58 percent of these bottles end up on the street, while there are enough collection points to hand them in.

In addition to micro- and nanoplastics, the bottles contain a chemical agent: BPA. This agent ensures that the bottle becomes flexible. At the same time, BPA causes a hormone disruption: it behaves in the body like the natural hormone estrogen. If you have too much estrogen, this can lead to infertility in the worst case. You may also experience everyday complaints such as reduced libido, mood swings and weight gain.


So you want to have as little micro- and nanoplastics and BPA in your body as possible, but you also want to avoid these types of bottles for the sake of the environment. What can you choose? You can consider these alternatives:

1. Plastic

There are many durable and refillable bottles made of plastic. These are often dishwasher safe and are increasingly made from recycled materials. The fact that these bottles are made of plastic does not mean that they contain harmful substances. You will have to check per bottle, but most are free of BPA and other plasticizers. This means that these bottles have no effect on your hormones.

2. Stainless steel

Stainless steel bottles are becoming increasingly popular. The advantage of these bottles is that the water in the bottle can remain hot or cold for longer. This is also the best option if you travel often, because this material is the least fragile. You can find them in standard silver, but they can often also be found with a coating, so you can purchase them in all kinds of colors and patterns.

3. Glass

They may be a little more fragile than bottles made of other materials, but they are certainly the most stylish. Some variants are protected by a thermal cover, so it keeps your drink warm and is less likely to break. Glass also does not leave strange tastes or odors as does plastic or stainless steel. Bottles made of this material are also increasingly produced, so you can find them in all colors of the rainbow, and sometimes even with a print!





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