This is how much money in unworn clothes the average woman has in her closet

You know how it is: you go to clean out your wardrobe and come across all kinds of things that you didn’t even know you had anymore. But throw it away? No, that’s a shame. Maybe you’ll wear it again. Yet we often find ourselves standing in front of the closet with the idea: ‘I really have nothing to wear’. You have long forgotten those clothes you found while cleaning up. But how much is our unworn clothing worth?

Also read: How often should you wash your jeans?

Too many clothes

You can never have too many clothes, right? Yes, ladies. We love nice dresses, jackets, tops and so on, but enough is enough. And yes, you too have probably been guilty of buying something that you already have in your closet. And how many items of clothing are actually hanging in your closet that still have the price tag attached? So all those unworn clothes could have saved you a lot of money.

Unworn clothing

Well, we’re all guilty of it. But how much do we really not wear? Maybe a quarter at most? No, not by a long shot. Research by One Buy shows that this percentage is much higher. Don’t be alarmed, but the average woman doesn’t wear more than 60% of the clothes in her closet. And if that doesn’t sound bad enough, that amounts to an average amount of around 2,700 euros in unworn clothing. Ouch!


Impulse purchases

One of the reasons we don’t wear so many clothes in our closet is that we often make impulse purchases. When we have our wages, we sometimes want to give ourselves something as a gift. Or you buy pants that are actually just a size too small. Maarja, he’s really nice. Then there are thousands of euros gathering dust in our closet. So are you unsure about that one blouse on sale? Just leave it alone.





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