Things you say when the conversation stops

We’ve probably all had it. You’re talking to someone, done with the topic and the conversation goes silent. Everything goes through your mind, but you have no idea what to talk about. You look at each other if you still dare and try to hum a little to hear something: awkward. These are the things you say when a conversation stalls.

Things you say when a conversation stops

During a date

A date is quite awkward and exciting. You don’t know each other yet, so it is normal that there is sometimes silence. Here are the tips.

1. Ask questions: Since you don’t know each other yet, it makes sense that you have no idea what to talk about. A good solution is therefore to find out more about each other. After all, everyone likes to talk about themselves, right? Ask open questions. What are your hobbies? What is your life motto? What are your fondest memories? See if there are any similarities. Then it’s fun to continue with that. If not? Show interest: what exactly does this hobby entail? Why do you like doing this so much?

2. Listening: when the conversation comes to a standstill, you are inclined to quickly think of a new question or topic. Then first go back to what your date just said. Maybe he told us briefly about the place where he grew up. Where is this place located? What was it like growing up there? Would you like to return again in a while?

3. Don’t panic: Know that if a conversation comes to a standstill, it’s not solely your responsibility. The person in front of you now also has the time to ask you questions or tell you something about themselves. Silence is part of it and does not always have to be a painful moment. With friends you don’t feel like you have to talk to each other all the time, do you? Don’t see silence as an enemy: relax, those topics will probably come up and it doesn’t matter if not. Then you may immediately know that it is a no-go.

Your father, mother or a family member

With people you know or ‘need to know’ it is sometimes confrontational and even more uncomfortable when the lack stops. As mentioned earlier, it is not always a problem if there is no topic of conversation, you do not always have to talk to each other and just looking around quietly is also good. If it really gets annoying, the tips mentioned above are valuable with one addition: if you feel safe about it, don’t talk about small talk, but about personal things. What do I mean to you? What would you like to know from me? Or ask questions about themselves. What was your dream as a child? What is the most beautiful memory you have of us? This is how you make it personal.





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