That’s why Prince Frederik would never have an affair!

That's why Prince Frederik would never have an affair!

Are the rumors about Crown Prince Frederik (55) far-fetched? In November, a Spanish newspaper claimed that the Danish royal was with Genevieve Casanova (47) is said to have had an affair. Photos are said to show him leaving the actress’ apartment. The otherwise harmonious royal palace has been overshadowed by speculation ever since. Nobility expert Jürgen Worlitz explains Glamial: He thinks an affair is unlikely!

Frederik is known by the Danish people as a sovereign heir to the throne who has been groomed to be king since childhood. Royal expert Jürgen Worlitz therefore rules out that the 55-year-old cheated. “I doubt that Frederik has caused a cheating scandal. Which married prominent man walks openly out of a lover’s house with a trolley suitcase and has himself photographed?” explains the expert to Glamial with conviction. The whole topic has been blown out of proportion.

On January 14th, Frederik will take office from his mother, Queen Margrethe of Denmark (83). However, without much excitement – instead, the incumbent Prime Minister of Denmark appoints him as the new monarch. “He will make it through bravely in his reserved way,” Jürgen Worlitz is sure.

Genevieve Casanova, actress
Genevieve Casanova, actress
Queen Margrethe, Prince Frederik and Princess Mary of Denmark
Queen Margrethe, Prince Frederik and Princess Mary of Denmark
Princess Mary with her husband Prince Frederik in Denmark in October 2021
Princess Mary with her husband Prince Frederik in Denmark in October 2021





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