4 tips to stay focused on your work during the day

For the hard workers among us, it is often difficult to work focused all day long. Especially if you have an office job or a remote job, it is difficult to keep your eyes on your computer for eight hours. We have some tips for you to help you maintain focus throughout the day.

Also read: Slept badly? This way you make the best of your day

These tips will help you stay focused on your work

You often start the day with a super focus, but after a few hours your attention span has shrunk considerably. Not nice if you still have to work all day! You get distracted more easily, you are busy with everything and nothing at the same time and you secretly get stressed from the fact that you can’t complete your tasks. All in all, it is difficult to maintain concentration all day, but with these tips you will remain focused on your work during the day.

1. Provide a good working environment

Do you have a good desk, a nice chair and generally a pleasant environment to work in? If so, you can skip this tip. If not, then this is a miracle tip for you. Having a nice, tidy working environment ensures that you are a lot more motivated to actually do good work. Let’s face it, a neatly tidy desk with all the things you need is better than a messy table with all kinds of distractions, right?

2. Schedule me-time during your work

Huh? Me-time while working, that can’t be possible. Of course, we don’t mean that you have to watch your favorite series or visit the sauna (shame), but you can schedule time for yourself in your work agenda. Just schedule 1 or 2 moments a day in which you really work with full focus. No distractions, just work, work, work. You need some discipline for this, but it will help you concentrate. Then you can of course take a break and take some time for yourself for a few minutes.

3. Do not disturb

To ensure that you are not too distracted during your work by that one meme your girlfriend sends you or that email from that colleague who needs something unimportant from you, it is a good idea to keep your phone, watch (and actually all your devices) on do not disturb. This means you won’t receive any crazy notifications and you can just focus on your work. Tip: you can also put your phone on work mode. For example, you can receive important emails and phone calls, but social media notifications will be disabled at least for a while. This could reduce a large part of your workload.

4. Take enough breaks

Now this may seem like the opposite of staying focused, but taking enough breaks each day is good for you. Your brain should also rest for a while. For example, work for an hour, take a 5-minute break, get up from your desk, get a glass of water and a cookie and continue.

5. Important tasks first

If you have a lot of work to do and you are already feeling busy, it is sometimes difficult to see the forest for the trees. Still, it’s good to do your most important tasks first. Make this a clear list and only write down things that are really important. Small, less important tasks will come later.





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