Severe pain: Marco Cerullo injured while diving

Severe pain: Marco Cerullo injured while diving

Can he continue? RTL high diving is no walk in the park. The popular show will finally take place again in January and the participating celebrities are already training hard. A lot of things can go wrong. Among other things, Thorsten Legat (55) had already suffered a ruptured testicle, and the following year artist René Casselly (27) had both eardrums burst. Now it hits influencer Marco Cerullo (35): He injured his shoulder while training.

Told in his Instagram story Marcohow the water became his downfall. “I dislocated my arm while jumping and tore something in my shoulder,” he says, not hiding the fact that he’s in pain. With a distorted face, he films himself as he adjusts his position. But must Marco give up high diving? At least not if the doctor has his way: He releases the 35-year-old back onto the diving board. But he has to be more careful so that the whole thing doesn’t happen again.

For Marco It’s already the second round of high diving. And this time too he is competing against a whole host of celebrities. Among others, the two artistic gymnasts Philipp Boy (36) and Fabian Hambüchen (36) are competing, as are the professional dancers Valentin Lusin (36) and Mariia Maksina (26). Zico Banach (32) and Sam Dylan (32) are also there from the world of reality TV. And also Thorsten and René dare to do it again.

Marco Cerullo in January 2021
Marco Cerullo in January 2021
Christina Graß and Marco Cerullo with their dog
Christina Graß and Marco Cerullo with their dog
Rene Casselly, RTL high diving 2023
Rene Casselly, RTL high diving 2023





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