Pregnant Hilary Duff can’t wear her favorite jeans

Pregnant Hilary Duff can't wear her favorite jeans

Hilary Duff (36) obviously feels most comfortable in this piece of clothing. The famous actress is already a mother of three. About two weeks ago, the How I Met Your Father actress surprisingly made it public that she and her husband Matthew Koma were expecting another baby. Since the baby news became known, the American has been proudly showing off her belly. Same now: Hilary presents her favorite jeans online!

In her Instagram story, the 36-year-old posted a snapshot of herself in front of the mirror. Hilary strokes her ball and closes her eyes. Exhausted, but also slightly sentimental, she wrote about the photo: “These perfect Levis carried me through the pregnancy for as long as they could.” It’s time for the blonde to say goodbye to her favorite jeans!

Before the baby comes into the world, the expectant parents celebrated an important date. December 22nd marked the wedding anniversary of Hilary and Matthew for the fourth time. To mark the occasion, the DJ dedicated a sweet post to his wife. “I love you so much,” he wrote on the wedding photo.

Hilary Duff and Matthew Koma with their children
Hilary Duff and Matthew Koma with their children
Hilary Duff in December 2023
Hilary Duff in December 2023
Hilary Duff and Matthew Koma, 2023
Hilary Duff and Matthew Koma, 2023





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