It’s Beatrix’s birthday: rare photo from when she was 26 years old

How beautiful she was, huh?

Today Princess Beatrix blows out 86 candles. In honor of her birthday, we’re going back in time and sharing a photo of her at age 26. Wow, she was so beautiful, huh?


In 1964, Princess Beatrix was in Japan, Tokyo for the Olympic Games. The Royal House shared unique photos of the trip and the princess some time ago. The then 26-year-old Beatrix flew to Japan with her father Prince Bernhard to be there.

Two black and white photos show how the young Beatrix meets the Dutch athletes. “In the first photo, taken on October 16, 1964, the Princess congratulates 17-year-old swimmer Ada Kok on winning a silver medal,” the caption reads. “In the second photo, Princess Beatrix visits the Olympic village where she meets with judoka Anton Geesink.”

Just Amalia

The comments are full of praise for the beautiful princess. The comparison is also made with her granddaughter Princess Amalia. “You see Princess Amalia here in grandma,” said a follower.

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How the princess celebrates her birthday today? Just in a home environment, the Government Information Service said. Last year, King Willem-Alexander, Queen Máxima and Crown Princess Amalia did not attend her birthday. They were then on an introductory visit to the Caribbean part of the Kingdom. This year they will hopefully just eat a piece of cake with their mother-in-law and grandmother.

Source: Weekend, Instagram, Private | Image: NL Image, Instagram





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