Intense: deceased Friends actor Matthew Perry tried to quit drugs in this tragic way

For fans of the actor, the death of Matthew Perry was already very sad news. And that news is only made more tragic by details that are now leaking out about his life with a drug addiction. For example, he tried to quit drugs in a special and rather intense way, ex-girlfriend Kayti Edwards tells the British The Sun.

Matthew Perry drug addiction

Popular Friends actor Matthew Perry has died about two months ago and the cause of death is now known. At the end of October, the actor drowned in a bath, which the autopsy report said was an accident. The investigation shows that he died due to the ‘acute effects of ketamine’, a drug and painkiller used to treat depression. Although it is also used as a recreational drug. It is unknown how Matthew used the ketamine shortly before his death. We do know that Matthew has struggled with drug addiction for years. According to friends, he has gotten better in recent years and indeed: he did his best to quit drugs. Ex-girlfriend Kayti Edwards also tells this to the British The Sun. Kayti dated Matthew in 2006 and is also the granddaughter of British film icon Julie Andrews, known from The Sound of Music.

Hands glued together

Matthew and Kayti were very close at the time, even after their relationship ended. In 2011 she also worked as his assistant. This was during the height of his drug addiction. In the interview she talks about a moment when she was at his house. “He was in bad shape,” she says. She found him in a rather special, but also tragic situation. “I found Matthew on the couch with his hands glued to his legs,” she says. Wow! “It was desperately sad.” In this way, Matthew tried to quit drugs, according to his ex. Before she found him he was high all night.

Of course, she immediately helped him get loose again. However, this was certainly not easy. “I had to use nail polish remover and olive oil to free it,” she explains. While releasing his hands, they also pulled hair from his legs. Ouch! “It left red marks,” she says. “It was really horrible.”


Although Matthew’s friends say he has been doing better in recent years, Kayti suspects otherwise. She does not rule out a relapse into drugs. “Even when he was clean and in rehab, he was still thinking about drugs,” she says. For example, he would joke about taking drugs, to which Kayti would respond, “Let’s have lunch instead.” However, we will never know whether he actually had a relapse. Hopefully he has at least found more peace.





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