How do you maintain work-life balance while working from home?

Nowadays more and more people work from home. That can be nice, but it can also cause a lot of stress. How do you maintain a good work-life balance?

Working from home

During and after the corona pandemic, more and more people started working from home or freelancing. That can of course be very nice, but at the same time it also means that we work too long or cannot find rest outside working hours. Your workplace is also your home base, so you automatically associate work with your private life. How do we ensure that you keep your work and private life in balance? There are tips for that.

60 – 40 rule for balance

When you work from home, your head is often a lot fuller than your agenda. In addition to your work, you also do household chores, which can sometimes cause you to lose the overview and experience hectic and panic. There are also often questions and activities in between, which can cause even more stress. Therefore, stick to the 60 – 40 rule: you spend 60% of your time, while you reserve 40% for unplanned work. This way, if you receive fewer unexpected tasks, it can only be better than expected.

Tangible boundaries

It can be very tempting to work in bed or on the couch all day, but this blurs the lines between home and work. Therefore, make sure that you choose a workplace that is far away from the bedroom or living room and do not take breaks at this workplace. It is also important that you put your laptop, paperwork, documents and other work-related items out of sight when you are outside of work hours.

End the working day well

When you work from home, you need a signal both physically and mentally to end the working day well. For example, set an alarm to remind you that you no longer have to work and then stop immediately. This way you can keep your work and private life in balance. Then enjoy the sun in the garden, go for a walk, cook or just do something you enjoy. As soon as you get out of that chair, put away your things and start doing something that has to do with your private life, you ensure that you can end the working day well.

Be open with your employer

Do you find it difficult to find a good balance, and have no idea what to do about it? Discuss it with your manager. Discuss in time when you feel there is an imbalance, because it is better to be too early than too late. Asking for help is never a bad thing either. There are always options such as hybrid working or finding a good workplace outside the home.





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