How are things going between Djamila Rowe and her son today?

How are things going between Djamila Rowe and her son today?

This is what the estranged mother-son duo are doing today! Last year, Djamila Rowe (56) took part in the jungle camp – and was even allowed to bring home the jungle crown! During her time in the Australian bush, the make-up artist revealed to her fellow candidates that she had very little contact with her son Jeremy, which was putting a lot of strain on her. But what about a year after your participation? Could Djamila and Jeremy improve their relationship?

“He also comes over for dinner. You can always lure the older children home with food. Because mom can cook well. He also answers the phone when I call. Maybe not the first time, but then the third time,” says the 56-year-old happily in the RTL interview – before Jungle camp Jeremy didn’t answer the phone when she called. But now it seems Djamila and her son to maintain a close relationship again: they even spent the past Christmas holidays together.

After their participation in Jungle camp Jeremy took a huge step towards his mom: During an interview with Punkt 12, he surprised her in front of the camera and shared it together Djamila an interview. But the appearance took a lot of effort for him: “Television is actually not my thing.”

Djamila Rowe in January 2023
Djamila Rowe in January 2023
Djamila Rowe in February 2023
Djamila Rowe in February 2023
Djamila Rowe, jungle queen 2023
Djamila Rowe, jungle queen 2023





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