Do you suffer from anxiety at work? This way you make it easier for yourself

Life is stressful. Stress and anxiety can arise from anything. Work is a major stress factor for many people. This can be quite difficult to tackle. This is how you can make your work easier for yourself when you suffer from anxiety.

Make a clear plan

Work can cause a lot of stress, especially if you do not have a clear idea of ​​what needs to be done and when exactly it needs to be completed. Therefore, make sure that you only really start your working day when you know exactly what you have to do. Ask your manager what exactly you need to do and when exactly what needs to be completed. This will probably save you a lot of anxiety because you will have a much better overview of your tasks and deadlines. Make a list for yourself. This way you can start your day with a calm mind.

Communicate your boundaries to your colleagues

Another stress factor in the workplace is contact with your colleagues. Even though they are so much fun and you get along oh so well with them, sometimes they can give you unnecessary anxiety. For example, consider that they unexpectedly throw extra work your way while you don’t have time for it at all. Or that they send you messages unnecessarily often, criticize your work or interfere with it. If this is the case, you will be helping yourself immensely by simply telling them this. It may be that they do it unconsciously and immediately change their behavior when you say something about it. If this does not happen, it is wise to ask a manager for help.

Take breaks

Deadlines are stressful. Or sometimes it’s so busy that you don’t see an opportunity to take a break. You keep working, eat your lunch at your desk and therefore never really get a moment of rest. Taking your rest is also productive and that is why you should definitely not skip it. Make it a priority to unwind. This way you prevent your head from overflowing and you get even more anxiety.

Ask for help where necessary

It’s not always fun to have to ask others for help, but sometimes it’s necessary. If you can’t figure something out yourself, this can cause a lot of extra anxiety. You get stressed about whether you are doing it right and whether everything will be completed on time. That is not the intention. Speak to someone who specializes in what you need to do or has more experience with it to help you. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help. You learn from this and you can grow, and you save yourself stress.





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