Completely private: Franca and Christian Lindner share a couple photo

Completely private: Franca and Christian Lindner share a couple photo

This snapshot delights the fans of Christian Lindner (44) and his partner Franca Lehfeldt (34)! The politician and the reporter celebrated their debut on the red carpet in 2018 and have now been married to each other for a year and a half. However, the two still keep their love private as much as possible; insights into their life together are a rarity. Now do it Christian and Franca but make an exception and share a couple picture!

The lovebirds are now sharing photos of their New Year, which they spent on Sylt, on their Instagram accounts – where they had already said yes in 2022. Shining in the first photo Franca and Christian cuddled up close together in the dunes looking at the camera. “A happy, healthy and lively New Year everyone!”, the Federal Minister of Finance and his wife wish their followers.

They are also really excited about the private insight. “Such a dynamic, beautiful couple,” “That’s what I call the fine art of selfie-taking,” or “Very beautiful, private pictures!” rave the couple’s fans. Birgit Schrowange (65) is also happy about the photo: “Happy New Year, all the best to you!”

Franca Lehfeldt and Christian Lindner, December 2023 in Berlin
Franca Lehfeldt and Christian Lindner, December 2023 in Berlin
Franca Lehfeldt and Christian Lindner
Franca Lehfeldt and Christian Lindner
Franca Lehfeldt and Christian Lindner in November 2021 in Berlin
Franca Lehfeldt and Christian Lindner in November 2021 in Berlin





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