After Jungle: Linda Nobat is quitting reality TV

After Jungle: Linda Nobat is quitting reality TV

Linda Nobat (28) has had enough! She is a well-known face when it comes to reality TV. The beauty has already taken part in formats such as The Bachelor and Jungle Camp. Especially with her appearance on ā€œIā€™m a Celebrity ā€“ Get Me Out of Here!ā€ polarized them. Now, however, she is turning her back on TV formats. In the Glamial interview, the model admits that she doesn’t feel like going to shows anymore!

Could your jungle camp experience be a reason for this? The viewers were annoyed by Linda’s statements and regular arguments with fellow campers! The statement that her husband should earn more than her was met with criticism from viewers. This should be over now. At the celebrity slide battle in Hamburg, the model revealed to Glamial: “I definitely wouldn’t want to do Bachelor in Paradise. To be honest, I wouldn’t want to do any show. […] There’s nothing that particularly appeals to me now,” explained the former Bachelor girl.

She doesn’t want to be on TV at the moment, but she isn’t completely ruling out a comeback: “Maybe in ten years,” she said in the Glamial interview. However, the reality starlet continues to publish private things on social media. The influencer even shared the separation from her boyfriend with her approximately 50,000 followers on Instagram in April 2023.

Linda Nobat, jungle camp candidate
Linda Nobat, jungle camp candidate
Jungle camp candidates Harald Glƶƶckler and Linda Nobat
Jungle camp candidates Harald Glƶƶckler and Linda Nobat
Linda Nobat, reality star
Linda Nobat, reality star





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