Chloe Rose (22) her breast surgery in Turkey goes completely wrong: the result is rotting, dead nipples

Breast surgery is a major procedure. When you go through something like this, you want everything to go as smoothly as possible. This was anything but the case with Chloe Rose: she flew to Turkey to have her breasts operated on, but the outcome was fatal.

Breast surgery in Turkey

Something you never want to happen to you happened to Chloe Rose, 22, from Halifax, Great Britain. Chloe felt insecure about her large breasts for a long time. She experienced a lot of back problems and since she was 18 years old, she wanted to have her breasts operated on to get rid of these complaints. She just had to wait a while for this because she didn’t have the money together yet.

After some research, she discovered that it is a lot more expensive in Britain than in Turkey. After doing research, she found a good fit and decided to fly to Turkey a year later to have her breasts operated on.

Operation goes completely wrong

The operation, on the other hand, did not go as planned at all. Chloe screamed in pain after the operation went completely wrong. Her nipples looked like open sores that were oozing. Collette, Chloe’s sister-in-law, says that the doctors had removed too much skin, which meant that the blood circulation was no longer good. The result: a dying nipple. Omg!

As a result, Chloe developed necrosis: this is the death of tissue. The clinic stated categorically that the operation was performed ‘perfectly’. Collette was very concerned about the operation in Turkey; “What sister wouldn’t be?” she says. She heard many rumors about operations that went wrong in Turkey, but also many that were a great success. “You never think it will happen, and then it does,” she says.

Screaming out in pain

When Collette called Chloe to ask how she was doing after the operation, Chloe said: “very bad.” Chloe was crying buckets of tears. “It was horrible to see her in so much pain,” Collette said. Chloe hadn’t told anyone about her surgery except her mother. She was extremely afraid of reactions such as ‘see ya’. “I listened to how sad she was and how she kept repeating that she didn’t want to die,” says Collette.

Not good care

Collette says that Chloe couldn’t speak English to anyone in the clinic and everything had to be done through Google Translate. In addition, Chloe reports that needles were scattered around the room, cannulas were poorly injected and the sutures opened several times, without her knowing whether this was the intention. This caused Chloe to develop an open wound. She was given antibiotics, but this was not enough to restore her health. Chloe knew what to expect, that the operation would be intense, but the poor treatment and nursing.

As the icing on the cake, the clinic even wanted her to pay extra for the extra care she received in the hospital. For this purpose, Chloe and her friend Rachel started a crowdfunding campaign so that she could return home. Thanks to a lot of generous strangers, she raised enough money to fly home with medical assistance.

The horror continued

Once home, this horror story did not stop. As soon as she returned home, her blood pressure and heart rate were so high that she had to be rushed to the nearest hospital. Collette says that the love and support of people around her have helped her enormously. This meant that the negative things were a lot less on the surface. Chloe’s family hopes that everything will return to normal soon until she feels better, but there is plenty of hope because of the anti-necrosis treatment at the moment. Chloe has no regrets, but she mainly wants to warn others. Always consider carefully whether you are having such a major operation and if you do it, do it close to home.





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