Who is Marius Borg, the anonymous son of Crown Princess Mette-Marit?

He had never asked for a royal stepfamily. Certainly not because of the attention that came with it.

Last month, Marius Borg Hoiby, the eldest son of Princess Mette-Marit of Norway, celebrated his 27th birthday. However, don’t expect a new photo or congratulations from the Royal House: Marius has been doing his utmost for years to disappear completely from view.

Brother and sister

Marius’ half-sister, Princess Ingrid Alexandra, has already turned twenty and certainly did not celebrate it on the low. How different her older brother’s life is. Marius Borg Hoiby is the son of Princess Mette-Marit from a previous relationship. Although he was reportedly received lovingly at the palace, he was not granted royal status when his mother married Crown Prince Haakon. But even without a royal title or duties, Marius was in the spotlight. And he didn’t want all the attention that comes with life at court.

Marius, Princess Ingrid Alexandra, Princess Mette-Marit and Crown Prince Haakon, 2022. Image: NL Image

Away from court

Seven years ago, when Marius turned twenty, he decided to go his own way. He asked the Norwegian court to remove his name from the royal house’s website. Crown Princess Mette-Marit wrote an open letter in which she asked the press to leave her eldest son alone from now on and to respect his privacy. Marius decided to study in America to further disappear from the Norwegian spotlight.

After that, we saw him occasionally at family events, or in the photos he shared on Instagram (where, with his more than 47,000 followers, he is anything but ‘out of the spotlight”>. However, in recent years these photos have also been discontinued. Marius has not been heard on social media for about fourteen months.

Famous partner

What hinders Marius’ quiet life a bit is the fact that his partner was a famous Norwegian model and actress. He sometimes did an interview and sought the spotlight. Quite a shame, because her career depended on it.

Stranded relationships

Yet Marius was unable to completely escape the spotlight. For example, he was in a relationship with Norwegian model and actress, Juliane Snekkestad, around 2020 to 2022. That same year she even appeared on the (private) Christmas card of the crown princely family. Yet Juliane was not the one for Marius, so he met a new love not much later.

This lucky lady was reality star Nora Haukland. However, the royal family was far from supportive of this relationship. For example, a few months earlier she appeared in the news with a transparent bag of white powder. And although the photo was only on the internet for a few minutes, she was soon accused of cocaine use. According to the Norwegian media, Crown Prince Haakon was furious when he found out about the photo. The photo would damage the image of the royal family, as Nora lived with Marius in the official residence of the crown prince at the time. Yet this relationship also failed again – much to the relief of the Norwegian royal family. At the moment, Marius is – as far as we know – single.

Mission accomplished

A scandal for the royal books, a mother and a sister who both become Queen of Norway: it is quite something to disappear with such an entourage. Yet Marius has succeeded quite well so far. Seven years after the request to withdraw, we can finally say: mission accomplished.

Source: Lecturas, Vorsten, Point de Vue | Image: NL Image





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