To see! Lil Kleine talks candidly about life after arrest in her own documentary

Jorik Scholten, better known as rapper Lil Kleine (29), is slowly coming out of the deep end. Over the past two years he has been in the news a lot, but in a negative way. For example, he was detained for two weeks on suspicion of assaulting his ex Jaimie Vaes. Little is known about this period, but that is about to change. The documentary Jorik will soon be released, in which he talks candidly about his life after the arrest and eventual release.

Lil Kleine abuse case

Over the past few years, the media has talked and written a lot about rapper Lil Kleine. This all started with leaked images in which the rapper abused his ex Jaimie Vaes. This is how her head would have gotten stuck in the car door. As a result of all this, Lil Kleine was arrested and held in custody for two weeks. Afterwards he was released again. The investigation is still ongoing, although the Public Prosecution Service has now toned down the case. They no longer call it ‘serious assault’, but ‘assault’.

In the meantime, Lil Kleine is slowly climbing out of the deep valley in which he has ended up. Or well, he tries. For example, he and Jaimie are now in contact with each other again because of their son Lío. They even went on holiday to Dubai together at the beginning of this year. “They co-parent Lío and are therefore seen together more often,” Lil Kleine’s management told AD at the time. The documentary Jorik will also be released soon, in which the rapper talks candidly about his life after the arrest and eventual release.

Candid in documentary Jorik

In the three-part documentary we see Lil Kleine’s life shortly after his release in March 2022. From that moment on, he is followed by director Nick Hoedeman for a year and a half and according to producer Sascha Visser we see almost everything. By the way, he was already in discussions with Lil Kleine’s management about a documentary, even before the images of the ‘abuse’ leaked. “We only wanted to do it if he gave us space, if we were allowed to show everything and be and remain critical,” Sascha tells the AD. According to him, the rapper never said that they were not allowed to film something. Afterwards he was of course allowed to watch the documentary and have it changed if necessary. “He hasn’t changed anything here either,” says Sascha.

Where to see?

The documentary will be available to watch soon, but the first images have already been shared. In addition to seeing the rapper himself, we also see his father and friends. “I saw it go wrong,” his father says in the documentary. “Domestic violence and hitting women are absolutely unacceptable.” We also hear Lil Kleine talk about how ‘toxic’ the relationship with Jaimie was. According to his father, the two were “addicted to arguing.”

The three-part documentary Jorik can be seen on Amazon Prime from January 19, 2024. Below you can watch the trailer of the documentary about Lil Kleine:





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