Do nothing tonight? 7 reasons why having FOMO is not necessary

By now everyone knows the term FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). Want to stay home instead of bar hopping with your friends? You’re almost expected to have FOMO. If you indeed sometimes suffer from this, here are 7 reasons why it is not necessary to have FOMO, but just the opposite: JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out).

Also read: These are the best ways to take care of your mental health as you get older

What is FOMO?

The psychology behind the Fear Of Missing Out is quite complicated, as there is no single reason for it. In short, FOMO people are people who want to get the most out of life and therefore literally don’t want to miss anything. Making choices is also difficult for people with this phenomenon, because they are always afraid of making the wrong choice. Somehow we think that everyone has a bit of FOMO, but some can deal with it better than others. Are you sitting at home tonight, but are your friends out all night? These are reasons why you should actually have JOMO.

Why it’s not necessary to have FOMO

1. You can fully enjoy living in the present moment, without distractions.
2. You can fully focus on your own goals and things you would like to do for yourself – you just have to walk with yourself.
3. An evening spent at home with your family, for example, ensures that you continue to maintain important connections in your life. Your friends won’t walk away after one evening without you.
4. Not planning your entire weekend can ensure that you have a lot less stress and anxiety.
5. When you choose not to go to that one event, you can reflect on what you do have and what you can be grateful for. Happiness does not mean having to be everywhere.
6. Just think like this, every night you could have a Fear Of Missing Out is an exercise to have JOMO!
7. Speaking of, practicing having JOMO instead of FOMO ensures that you don’t need validation and approval from others. This phenomenon may leave you confused about what is really important to you.


A little FOMO isn’t always a bad thing, as it can also help you become more social and get out more often (introverts, we’re talking to you). A balance of Fear Of Missing Out and Joy Of Missing Out seems like the perfect situation to us. In any case, always do what makes you happy. A combination of saying more ‘yes’ and more ‘no’ is guaranteed to give you a more fulfilled feeling.





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