“First Dates” star Roland Trettl mourns his mother (†)

“First Dates” star Roland Trettl mourns his mother (†)

He is currently going through a difficult time. Roland Trettl (52) has had a turbulent year: In January, the First Dates – A Table for Two host announced that he and his wife Daniela had separated after twelve years of marriage and a son together. Now the star chef is going public again with sad news: Roland had to say goodbye to his beloved mother Margot.

The 52-year-old revealed on Instagram that Margot died on Tuesday at the age of 74. “Pfiati and thank you very much, dear mom. Rest in peace. We’ll see each other again in a few decades,” he writes alongside a black and white photo of him and his beloved mother. Despite his grief over the terrible loss, he tried Roland, to keep your composure: “Where you are now, try out the best restaurants that we will then visit together.”

Published at the beginning of the year Roland a short video with his estranged wife online and announced the end of their marriage. “Separated as a couple, always active together as parents for our son,” explained Dani. The South Tyrolean native also assured that their offspring will always have a good time despite the separation.

Roland Trettl with his mother Margot
Roland Trettl with his mother Margot
Roland Trettl and Tim Raue in September 2023
Roland Trettl and Tim Raue in September 2023
Roland and Dani Trettl in June 2022
Roland and Dani Trettl in June 2022





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