⁠This Is Why We Always Watch Ourselves When We FaceTime

Who do you look at when you are FaceTiming? Even at yourself? Then you are definitely not the only one, because many people do not look at their conversation partner during a call. But why do we actually do this?

This Is Why We Watch Ourselves During FaceTime

Do you recognize that when you FaceTime you automatically look at yourself instead of the person you are calling? Often a bit of an insecure feeling arises during the call. Since the corona, a kind of new self-awareness has actually arisen, because we are constantly confronted with our own appearance. All that working from home and sitting ensured that we were constantly on the phone. Even the cosmetic doctors clearly noticed a difference. More and more clients came to the clinic because they noticed something during the video call. Think of a frown or crow’s feet. Suddenly we are dealing with all kinds of new terms such as lockfrown, the zoom effect and the lockdown nose job.

Looking good during FaceTime

If you want to look your best during FaceTime, make sure you have good lighting. Natural light is actually always the best. So make sure you sit with your face towards the light. It is also important that you sit well in front of the camera, because you don’t want your FaceTime partner to see you from under your chin or look at your nose. With a camera at eye level, you can look directly at each other. If you want to make a bit of an impression, look up and talk directly into the camera. Oh yeah, and above all, sit up straight. To ensure that the attention is focused on you, make sure your background is not too distracting. Think of a plain wall.

More self-confidence

But it’s all well and good looking good during FaceTime, but the most important thing is that you are yourself. A reason for insecurity in a situation is that you hold on to certain thoughts. What a thought is in a situation, determines how you feel. Learn to recognize your thoughts, so that you can change them. A thought like ‘I can’t do it’ are sometimes examples of thoughts that you can have. These are mainly unrealistic. Learn to change this to that you can do it and that you are going to try. Above all, start from your own strength. Everyone is different and that is a good thing. Otherwise it would be boring, right?





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