Jeroen Rietbergen goes free in The Voice sex case

The Public Prosecution Service (OM) has decided to dismiss the case against Jeroen Rietbergen due to alleged abuses surrounding The Voice of Holland. There is simply not enough ‘legal and convincing evidence’ to prosecute Jeroen, despite the fierce accusations of former Voice participant Nienke Wijnhoven. This news was released today by the AD.

No evidence, no prosecution

The Public Prosecution Service stated that there is insufficient evidence to indict Jeroen Rietbergen. This means that, despite Nienke’s serious accusations, there will be no lawsuit. Jeroen has previously admitted that he was guilty of sexual misconduct and expressed his regret for this. He indicated that he has worked hard on himself over the past year.

Victim Jeroen Rietbergen extremely disappointed

Nienke’s lawyer, Sébas Diekstra, is anything but satisfied with the Public Prosecution Service’s decision. He calls the outcome “extremely disappointing” and is considering an Article 12 procedure. With this he wants to force the judiciary to have the case brought to court.

Jeroen Rietbergen relieved and grateful

Jeroen himself is relieved that the case has been dismissed. His lawyers said that he is “grateful for the extensive investigation” and is happy that this long battle is finally over. He thanked everyone who supported him during this difficult time.

Linda de Mol continues to support Jeroen Rietbergen

Linda de Mol has been a notable pillar of support for Jeroen in recent times. Although the two have officially broken up, they are still secretly seen together regularly. Today it emerged that the two were spotted last Saturday afternoon near Linda’s house, together with their two cute Labradors. In the photos, taken by a photographer from the weekly magazine Story, Linda and Jeroen can be seen walking comfortably arm in arm. RTL Boulevard tried to reach Linda’s management for a response, but this was without success. Although confirmation is not necessarily necessary, the images speak for themselves.

End of Jeroen Rietbergen and Linda de Mol

Since the scandals surrounding The Voice of Holland, Linda and Jeroen’s relationship came under great pressure. Jeroen, who was accused of sexual misconduct behind the scenes of the program, largely disappeared from the public spotlight. Linda indicated that she needed time to process the situation and distanced herself from her relationship with Jeroen at the time.





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