Reader question: does Maxima use botox?

Máxima’s face looked different in the new state portraits and that is why the B-word resurfaced. Questions about Máxima and possible Botox use poured in in the comments, my mailbox and even via WhatsApp. That is why we conclude this exciting fashion week with an extensive blog about the effect of botox, photography and make-up.

RVD/Patrick van Katwijk/Schoemaker

Let’s start at the beginning: the state portraits. To provide the whole with stature and grandeur, the majesties pulled out all the stops. Awards, a skirt suit, a chic couture dress, a lick of gel (yay!) and a few million in diamonds. However, one important aspect, which is part of the proverbial furniture of Máxima’s appearance, was missing. A broad smile.


That makes it interesting, because although Máxima is irreverently the most experienced actress in our country, she has mastered her happy facial expression much better than her serious one. Just look back at the images of the inauguration or a National Remembrance Day. At such moments, the queen tries so hard to look serious that it looks as if she is about to burst out laughing.

Long story short: in a portrait photo where she can smile, Máxima appears more recognizable and authentic.

Does she use botox?
If I zoom in on the photos of approximately 10 MB, I can study each eyelash in detail. Besides some smudged eyeshadow and crow’s feet, I don’t see anything noticeable. No excessive photoshop and no Botox injections. Do I mean to say that Máxima is pure nature? No, not that. Because she used to be spotted with sloshing armpits but not anymore, I suspect that Máxima had her glands blocked with Botox. However, this has never been confirmed by the court and could also have been resolved in another way.

19-11-2013 © PPE/Nieboer

The queen has had her teeth taken care of anyway. For example, around 2017 she was spotted with transparent braces. Another improved bite can have major consequences for a person’s face.

If I put this week’s official portraits next to other photos taken in September 2023, I don’t think: boy, a botox doctor has been hard at work there.


Why does Máxima’s face look so different in the portraits? I think it’s a combination of different aspects. In addition to the unusual facial expression, first of all I would like to point out the effect of makeup. Because of my TV work, I am regularly treated by a make-up artist and I can tell you: after half an hour of brushing I am a different person. Younger, fitter, fresher. Let me put it this way: I think the make-up artists have a lot of respect for their work. By using colors tactically, you can lift eyes, plump lips and tighten skin.

Take Máxima’s eyes for example. The queen herself has eyelids that droop a little. By including the skin around the eye in the smokey eye and sticking an eyelash, your eyelids are painlessly ‘lifted’.

Above you see Máxima’s old make-up, below the new approach.

Another example: on the left you see a natural Máxima, on the right a powdered Máxima. Both photos were taken during the same UN visit to Tanzania. They seem like two different women, right?


The third aspect that has also had an influence is the power of photography/lighting. Anyone who has not yet experienced this should take two photos tomorrow morning. One with the light, one with the light against. I can tell you: you are definitely prettier in some photos than others. In terms of color, photography can also contribute or ruin something. This is also evident from the collage below. Máxima is wearing one and the same dress here, but can you see the difference in color?


Last but not least, Máxima’s face also looked different in the analogue photo because it was literally taken as a mirror image. To show the difference, I mirrored the right photo. What a difference, huh?

Well, time for a conclusion. I think that Máxima’s remarkable facial expression is due to the effect of photography, the effect of make-up and an awkward facial expression. Other photos from the same time prove – in my opinion clearly – that no arsenal of Botox injections was used. If the queen had anything done at all, it was done very subtly.





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