Cute baby news! This B&B Full of Love couple is expecting their first child

This summer we experienced one with Elise Raateland special love story during B&B Full of Love. Elise registered for Joy in Spain, but there she discovered her great love in his best friend, IlĂ­dio, on Mount Joy. Guess what? The two are still very happy together and are now even expecting a little one! Awwww.

Real deal

Elise and IlĂ­dio are not the only ones from the last season of B&B Vol Liefde who are striving to expand their family! Joy and DanĂ­ kicked things off by recently welcoming an adorable dog into their home. By the way, Elise and IlĂ­dio also have a four-legged animal walking around. But now it’s time for the real deal, because we have a baby on the way!

Little bambino(a)

Elise and IlĂ­dio previously talked about their plans for their own B&B, but those will probably have to be shelved for now. The couple shares the baby news on Instagram with a heartwarming video in which we see the ultrasound and can immediately admire Elise’s growing baby bump. “Little bambino(a) on the way 💙🩷,” they caption the video. So sweet!

The text continues below the Instagram post.

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‘I immediately felt a click’

Last summer, it seemed to viewers of B&B Vol Liefde as if Elise had fallen for Joy’s boyfriend IlĂ­dio within hours. But in reality, their relationship developed very gradually, as Elise revealed in conversation with LINDA at the time. The two met at a party, where IlĂ­dio was immediately charmed by Elise. “I immediately felt a click, but at that moment I only saw it as friendship. Of course I was there to get to know Joy better during B&B Vol Liefde,” Elise said.

Living together after B&B Full of Love

However, IlĂ­dio was immediately convinced of his baby momma. “I immediately thought: wow, what a beautiful woman that is and I immediately told Joy that.” The next day, Joy shared that he had a good connection with DanĂ­, making it clear that Elise would not stay long. After the recordings, Elise and IlĂ­dio immediately started living together, and things are still going great.





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