These are the benefits of sleeping on a silk pillowcase

A silk pillow does a lot of good for both your skin and your hair.

Silk pillowcases have become increasingly popular in recent years. And we understand why: not only do they have a very luxurious look, they are also good for your skin and hair. How exactly does that work? We explain.

Silk or cotton

There is a good chance that your bedding is made of cotton. Also your pillowcases. But did you know that this is not at all good for your hair and facial skin? A silk pillowcase is actually much better. This substance has all kinds of good properties, such as a natural cooling effect and reduced friction.

Do you have extremely sensitive skin? Then it may also be wise to switch to a silk pillowcase. “Silk is naturally hypoallergenic, so it’s perfect for those with sensitive, eczema or allergy-prone skin,” explains dermatologist Lauren Penzi. “Unlike cotton and other fabrics, silk absorbs much less moisture.” Good to know!

Benefits for your hair

Silk pillowcases have a lot of benefits for your hair. Silk is a soft and smooth material, and therefore has less friction than a cotton pillowcase. This prevents tangled and frizzy hair, and your locks are also better protected against damage and split ends. Another advantage: silk absorbs less moisture than cotton or linen, for example. This means that your hair retains its natural oils better and therefore does not dry out. And, well-hydrated locks are not only shinier and softer, but also a lot stronger!

Benefits for your skin

A silk pillowcase also has many benefits for your skin. Dermatologist Brendan Camp explains: “Because silk is a smooth and soft material, it minimizes friction on the skin. This means that there is less pulling on your facial skin. We think that silk pillowcases are therefore effective in preventing wrinkles.” Ah! In addition, you reduce the risk of acne and irritations because silk has a cooling effect and because it absorbs less sweat and oils.

Silk or satin?

Although people often confuse them, satin is not the same as silk. Satin is cheaper because it can be made from different materials, such as nylon or polyester. It is therefore easy to make in large quantities. Silk, on the other hand, is a natural product produced by silkworms.

Both satin and silk pillowcases are better for your hair than cotton. Yet there is a difference: satin is less breathable than silk. So if you have the budget for it, it is more than worth it to invest in a silk pillowcase.

Source: Real Simple, Nordstrom | Image: Adobe Stock





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